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Vocabulary List #3

1.     Intrepid: adjective, resolute fearlessness. The intrepid expression on the boys face, showed that he was not afraid of anything.

2.     Potent: adjective, having authority or influence. The potent king had complete influence over all that went on in his empire.

3.     Gargoyle: noun, a waterspout in the form of a grotesque human or animal figure projecting from the roof or eaves of a building, a grotesquely carved figure. The gargoyle scared me at first because I thought that it was a real grotesque human on top of the skyscraper.

4.     Valorous: noun, personal bravery. A valorous person is one who has a lot of personal bravery.

5.     Zealot: noun, a fanatical partisan. The zealots were deep in love for their country, that when their country was conquered, they still fought with all of their might.

6.     Jingoist: noun, extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked esp. by a belligerent foreign policy.

7.     Novice: noun, one who is inexperienced or untrained. The novice really was bad at the game because he is really a beginner.

8.     Prodigy: noun, something extraordinary, or a highly talented child. I guess that child could be considered a prodigy because he was a master at playing the violin. 

9.     Prodigal: adjective, recklessly extravagant. The prodigal man, spent all of his money on extravagant goods.

10. Virtuous: adjective, having or showing virtue and moral virtue. The virtuous man was very nice and polite, and patient, all examples of good virtue.

11. Arduous: adjective, difficult, or laborious. The arduous task was very difficult, because it involved a lot of work.

12. Abstemious: adjective, Sparing in use of food or drink. The abstemious family was very redundant to eat or drink a lot.

13.  Nefarious: adjective, very wicked. Mr. Hyde is very nefarious because of his nature, his appearance, and the way that he acts.

14. Exorbitant: adjective, exceeding what is usual or proper. At the party, there was one boy who wore a suit to a casual birthday party.

15.  Cursory: adjective, rapidly and often superficially done. The cursory homework was done very fast and thorough. 

16. Copious: adjective, lavish, and abundant. A not copious item in the U.S.A is gold, because it is not scarce.

17.  Scant: adjective, barely sufficient, having scarcely enough of. In some countries food is very scant, which means that there is enough food.

18.  Deleterious: adjective, harmful, and noxious. A deleterious substance to the human race is sulfuric acid, because it is very harmful to the skin.

19.  Dissent: verb, to differ in opinion. To dissent with a teacher is just the same thing as to contradict a teacher.

20.  Succumb: verb, to yield to a superior force. The little town army had to succumb their town to the large Roman legionnaires.

21.  Superficial: adjective, not thorough. Your essay answer was very good, except that it was too superficial, too thorough.

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