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Vocabulary List #2


1.      Reins: noun, A strap fastened to a bit by which a rider can control an animal. The reins of a horse are located above a horse, which give a rider full control over an animal.

2.      Migration: noun, the movement from one place to another. Migration is a very important part of the Human race, because it is moving from one place to another.

3.      Anarchist: noun, The theory that all government is undesirable. An Anarchist ruler is very not wanted because it is hated and undesirable.

4.      Greyhound: noun, tall slender dog, noted for its speed. That is a greyhound dog. Oh, that would explain as to why it is so fast.

5.      Citizen: Noun: member of a country. I am a citizen of America, because I am a member of America

6.      Negotiations: noun, a confirmation with another party to settle matters. The problems between the island tribe and the mountain tribe were finally solved due to negotiations between the 2 tribes.

7.      Rim: noun: edge of something curved. The rim part of a car is really just the outer edge of the wheel.

8.      Spoke: noun, rod from the hub to the rim of a wheel. The spoke is located on the rod from the hub to the rim of a wheel.

9.      Awning: noun, the cover of an object. The Awning of a house is to protect to inside from rain.

10.  Veil: noun, sheer material to hide something or to cover the face and head. The women wore a cloth around her head to get protection from the sun.

11.  Framework: noun, supporting or enclosing structure. The framework of a house is the inside supports.

12.  Strand: noun, twisted fiber of a rope. A strand of string was all that made up an entire sock, only because it was a very long piece of string.

13.  Pestilence: noun, plague. Pestilence is always devastating seeming as it makes people sick with a plague, and then takes their lives quickly.

14.  Tremor: noun, a trembling. I had a tremor as to how I did on the essay last week.



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