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Vocabulary list # 1

1.      Discharge: verb, Unload, set free, dismiss from service.

We just had to discharge the soldier, because he was drunk and didn’t do his job. 

2.      Legible: adjective, capable of being read.

Mark has the only A paper in the class, because his was the only one I could read

3.      Decipher: verb, make out the meaning of.

To make a vocabulary list you must first decipher the words, meaning to understand the meaning to the words.

4.      Laudable: adjective, praise.

Thank you very much for laudable encouragement, that is why I aced that test.

5.      Pariah: noun, outcast.

The pariah is now hiding out in Mexico, where he will never be a part of our society.

6.      Idler: noun: one who is worthless, inactive, or lazy.

What an idler you are, all you do is sit around and watch television.

7.      Industrious: adjective, diligent or busy

The industrious man never has any time to help me because he works 14 hours a day.

8.      Judicious: adjective, having or characterized by sound judgment.

The judicial use of practice will yield a positive outcome. 

9.      Sentry: noun, one who stands guard.

We will need some sentry soldiers who will stand guard on the atomic bombs.

10.  Enthrall: verb, to hold spellbound.

The man enthralled me with his amazing magic tricks.

11.  Reproach: noun, an expression of disproval, disgrace, discredit, a cause of occasion of blame or disgrace.

The reproach expression on the mans face said that he was not happy with me.

12.  Voyeur: noun, one who habitually seeks sexual stimulation by visual means.

If you like pornography, then you are a voyeur.

13.  Servitude: noun, slavery, bondage.

It is very wrong to force someone in servitude, because then they will be forced to do whatever you say.

14.  Diplomat: noun, one employed or skilled in diplomacy.

My friend is known as a diplomat for his great negotiating skills.

15.  Tread: verb, to step or walk on or over, to move on foot, to beat or press with the feet.

The footmen tread through the grass because they had only their feet to move with.

16.  Intelligible: adjective: capable of being understood, or comprehended.

The man was so intelligible that every word he said seemed as important as the last.

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