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Odyssey Vocabulary

1.      Nymph: A lesser goddess who is categorized by a maiden living in the mountains, waters, meadows, and forest.

2.      Adept: an expert or highly skilled.

3.      Revel: to take great pride in.

4.      Sage: one who is wise.

5.      Ponderous: clumsy because of great weight and size

6.      Insolence: disrespect and rude.

7.      Patrimony: something that is inherited

8.      Plunder: to take goods forcefully or wrongfully.

9.      Resolution: The action of solving

10.  Requited: waited for.

11.  Tactician: one who makes plans of actions.

12.  Pillage: to lute and plunder.

13.  Prudence: cautious.

14.  Omen: a sign or warning of the future.

15. Sojourning: dwelling in a place temporarily.

16.  Luminous: clear, intelligent.

17.  Adversity: misfortune.

18.  Brazen: made of brass.

19.  Flounder: to proceed clumsily.

20.  Ruse: trick

21. Formidable: fear, dread, or awe

22.  Guile: deceitful cunning.

23.  Prodigious: large in size.

24. Beguiling: deceive.

25.  Supplication: begging.

26.  Melancholy: sad.

27.  Disconsolate: hopelessly sad.

29. Assuage: to ease.

30.  Implacable: not able of being pacified.

31.  Limpid: clear.

32.  Myriad: a large number.

33.  Calamitous: distressful

34.  Indignation: anger aroused by something unjust.

35.  Tranquil: free from disturbance.

36.  Contentious: very competitious.

37.  Timorous: Afraid.

38.  Maelstrom: A violent whirlpool.

39.  Wantonness: Merciless.

40.  Appease: to please.

41.  Incredulity: not believing.

42.  Wanton: merciless.

43.  Rancor: hostility.

44.  Lithe: effortless grace.

45. Respite: a temporary delay.

46.  Mendicant: beggar.

47.  Insatiable: not being able to satisfy

48.  Farce: a very satirical comedy with a un likely plot.

49.  Compunction: anxiety arising from guilt.

50.  Vanquish: To make leave.

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