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Analogies List #5


1.     Ethereal: adjective, celestial, heavenly, or extremely delicate. The ethereal fossil was handled with the utmost care because it was delicate.


2.     Specter: noun, a visible disembodied spirit. In the Subtle knife, there are things called specters, which are visible and are disembodied spirits.


3.     Occult: adjective, not revealed, secret. The occult plans were so secret that not even the president knew about them.


4.     Neurotic: noun, emotionally unstable, or nervous person.  Neurotic man went crazy and was rushed to the mental hospital for his condition.


5.     Illusionary: adjective, mocking, or misleading visual image. When you are in a desert, and are thirsty, you often see an illusionary image.


6.     Ardent: adjective, characterized by the warmth of feeling. When the man finaly installed a heating system, he immediately felt an ardent feeling of warm gas


7.     Sluggard: adjective, lazy person. The sluggard person never does his work due to lazy behavior, so fire him.


8.     Steward, noun, one who manages the domestic, and food concerns. The steward was so good at serving us food and drink, that we tipped her highly.


9.     Odious: adjective, causing or deserving hatred or repugnance. The odious man did really deserve what he got, a punch in the nose.


10. Sentry: noun, A guard. We passed by an army base, which was guarded by a man called a sentry.


11. Cadaver: noun, a dead body. It was a horror to look at the cadaver, because you feel creepy looking at a dead person.


12. Relic: noun, an object associated with saints, or martyrs. We must preserve this relic, for it is an ancient artifact associated with saints or martyrs.


13. Pelvis: noun, a basin shaped part of a vertebrate skeleton consisting of the large bone of each hip, and the nearby bones of the spine. The pelvis is a part of your body which your hip bone and nearby bones of the spine.


14. Enigma: noun, something hard to understand. During the world wars, the German ships used a code machine called enigma, which was almost impossible to decipher or understand.


15. Decrepit: adjective, broken down with age. The decrepit book was so old with age, that it was almost ripped everywhere.


16. Ecclesiastic: noun, a member of the church. I am a proud ecclesiastic, a member of the church.


17. Clandestine: adjective, held in or conducted in secrecy. We had to have a clandestine practice session for the party, otherwise later it wouldn’t be a surprise.


18. Malady: noun, a disease or disorder of the body or mind. The man had a malady, a disease or disorder of the body or mind.


19.  Ordinance: noun, authoritative decree or law. The ordinance is a clearly stated law or decree.


20.  Altruistic: adjective, unselfish interest in the welfare of others. This rich altruistic man was truly different from the rest, he donated a million dollars to the charity.


21.  Mercenary: noun, a person who serves only for wages. The mercenary was so disloyal because he only did his work for the money part.


22.  Frivolous: adjective, little importance.


23.  Iniquitous: adjective, wicked


24. Chronic: adjective, marked by a long duration, or by frequent recurrence.


25. Capricious: adjectives, changeable, unpredictable.


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