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War or Economy

In his October LA Times 6th op-ed essay, ”Imminent Threat to our Security,” John Balzar argues that our country America should be more focused on economic issues rather than Iraq issues. One day, John Balzar was reading an article. This article really caught his attention, for it stated that Herbert Hoover was more of an economic activist than George Bush. Hoover was probably the worst president that the United States has ever had economy wise. In 1929 the economy was already in deep trouble and the stock market was over inflated, although Hoover was sure that wealth would come to those who worked hard. Shortly after the great depression started which lasted for 11 long years. These days, most people don’t care about the poor economy, they care mostly about the “war with Iraq”. Saddam has already allowed for the U.N. to inspect Iraq for nuclear arms. What more do we need? If the pacifists are wrong about Hussein, experts still say that we have months or even years of time before any action needs to be done to Iraq. Although on the other hand, if the people who oppose government controlling the economy are wrong, we wont have much time of leeway. President Hoover found out that there comes a point when it’s too late to act. The only problem is that he found this important fact out way too late. Our economy has been unsteady for several years now. Do we really want for the great depression to happen again?
In this op-ed article, John Balzar seems to know a large amount of information on how the economy has been doing in America. I think that he is right when he makes a point about how Iraq should be the least of our worries. The unsteady stock market is the key player in our economy and if it gets over inflated, like it did in 1929, then we will have a problem that was unseen. I believe that If Americans continue to ignore the faltering economy there will soon be a crisis on hand that is much worse than anything that Iraq could have don’t to us.

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