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What will the U.N. inspectors find?

  In his September 19th LA Times op-ed essay, “Curses! Dubya Gets Foiled Again,” Robert Scheer argues that Bush has no reason to wage war on Iraq because the UN can now unconditionally make inspections to see if there are nuclear weapons. Sadam Houssein has finally allowed for United Nations to inspect if Iraq does really have weapons of mass destruction. Although a major problem will occur if it is proven that Iraq does not actually have nuclear arms. President Bush really wanted to go to war with Iraq, but what will happen if Iraq doesn’t have any nuclear abilities or power? Iraq is a much less dangerous of an enemy than North Korea, and Pakistan. The U.S. has lifted sanctions toward Pakistan for the nuclear program to end. In North Korea, a nuclear plant is in construction for power generation, and are ignoring Iran’s well-documented nuclear weapons program. If the United States wanted to go to war with Iraq just for nuclear arms reasons, then it would just take a few air units to bomb suspicious areas, just like the Israeli planes did about 20 years ago. George Bush still wants to go to war with Iraq because if he doesn’t do it, then people will start thinking more about Bush’s obligation to help the economy, or of the smaller and smaller 401(K)s. If no nuclear arms are found in Iraq, then it would seem like Bush is trying to use Iraq as a scapegoat for the domestic problems. What is even worse is that when Bush went to talk to the United Nations to wage war on Iraq, he had to use examples of weapons that the Iraqis used on the Iranians. Ironically enough these weapons including biological and chemical were all worth over 1.5 billion and were provided by the Unites States because Iraq was our ally at the time.
 I agree with Robert Scheer a hundred percent. Now that Hussein has allowed the U.N. to make sure that he has no weapons of mass destruction, Bush has absolutely no reason to attack Iraq. There is no longer any reason to make war on Iraq, unless to hide the problems here at home. Waging war on Iraq, will only mean that innocent people in Iraq will not only make Bush look really bad, but also the entire U.S.

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