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Basic Biography of David Souter

Born: September 17, 1939, Melrose Massachusetts.

Family: only child of Joseph A. Souter and Helen Hackett Souter

Education: Concord High School, Harvard, B.A. 1961, Oxford, Rhodes Scholar 1961-63, Harvard, Graduated 1966

Career Highlights: From 1966-1968 he was a law associate to Orr and Reno in Concord, New Hampshire. From 1968-1971 Souter became the assistant Attorney General of New Hampshire. From 1971-1976 Souter became the Deputy Attorney General of New Hampshire. Next during the years of 1976-1978 Souter was the Attorney General of New Hampshire. In 1978 Souter was appointed to the State trial court. In 1983 Souter was elevated to the Named to the state trial court in 1978, he was elevated to the state supreme court in 1983. He served for two months in 1990 as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit. In July of that year, Souter was nominated by President George Bush to the Supreme Court and confirmed by the Senate in October. Souter has been on the Supreme Court ever since.

Legislative Highlights:  Souter was originally thought of as a conservative republican, Souter is actually a moderate who is a “key to a moderate bloc that resisted pressures from the political right to undo Court precedents of the 1960s and 70s.” Justice David H. Souter said the FCC let NextWave keep its licenses for months without making payments, then seized and resold them when the commission had buyers willing to pay much higher prices. Dissenting, Justice David H. Souter said the estimates look to be inaccurate, and they "broadly saddle employers with a burden unintended by Congress." Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas joined his dissent. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992), which, in an unusual move, he wrote with Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy. The Court's opinion permitted several state regulations of abortion to stand, but declined to overturn Roe v. Wade.





Extended Profile


David Hackett Souter of Melrose Massachusetts is one of the nine Supreme Court Justices. He was sworn in on October 09, 1990. Originally he was nominated by Former President George Bush, and was therefore expected to be a Republican. He surprised both sides because he doesn’t actually belong to either side republican or democrat. David Souter has been called “a man of unusual and peculiar sensibilities and also an enigma”(http://oyez.org/justices/justices.cgi?justice_id=105&page=biography)

David Souter who turned 63 last September, although is not nearly the oldest member of the Supreme Court because John Paul Stevens is 82 years old. David Souter has only been on the Supreme Court for 12 years while Chief Justice William Rehnquist has been on the Supreme Court for 30 years.

There are several reasons as to why he is an enigma. These reasons are because he tends to side extremely liberal or extremely conservative. The free congress organization, and organization which is an extreme conservative says that their hopeful predictions were “miserably inaccurate.” ”(http://oyez.org/justices/justices.cgi?justice_id=105&page=biography) Also he was protested against by the Women's Legal Defense Fund because he has voted to their dislike. He is hated by both democrats and republicans because he doesn’t just tend to side with just one. Court watchers are entertained by his “eccentric habits and behaviors.” (http://oyez.org/justices/justices.cgi?justice_id=105&page=biography)

David Souter childhood was mostly spent with his parents, although every single summer he went to his grandparents house in Weare, New Hampshire. He still claims that it is his true home. Joseph Alexander Souter his father worked as a banker in  the close state capital of concord. This was his basic childhood

David Souter really excelled in high school and college, and in Harvard he was given the magna cum laude. In high school he was voted “most sophisticated” and also “most likely to succeed” (http://oyez.org/justices/justices.cgi?justice_id=105&page=biography) Sure enough he Souter did succeed and his greatest achievement up to now has been that he is a member of Supreme Court.

David Souter may not be very constant with whether he is liberal or conservative, although there are several things that he always does. The first being that Souter has 24 of the same votes with Sandra Day O’ Conner and also Anthony Kennedy. Both Conner and Kennedy are moderates and centrists.  All three of these justices prevent supremacy of conservatives in the Supreme Court.  Now it is clear that David Souter is a moderate, although when he was first nominated his opinions were nothing special and didn’t exactly show ”many hints of his judicial predisposition.” (http://oyez.org/justices/justices.cgi?justice_id=105&page=biography). This quickly changed after he became more at ease and “settled down”.

In State v. Koppel in 1987, Souter dissented from a decision holding that random checkpoints to catch drunk drivers were unconstitutional under the New Hampshire Constitution. Subsequently, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that such checkpoints are legal under the federal Constitution. This case proves that Souter believes in civil rights entirely.

When Souter’s confirmation hearings began one newspaper said that Souter"cast aside the silence that had clothed his nomination to the United States Supreme Court to reveal intelligence, poise--and a sense of humor." (http://www.supremecourthistory.org/myweb/justice/souter.htm) Souter seems to have a bright future ahead of him because he is not alone on being a moderate. He has two other justices who side with him most of the time.









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