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Politics and TV Can Mix

In their October 15th LA Times op-ed essay, “Politics and TV Can Mix,” Tom Rosentiel and Dave Iverson argue that most Americans will pay no heed to the 2004 political campaigns. Mr. Iverson and Rosentiel believe that most Americans get their news from the local news on television, although the one problem is that most of the news shown on local TV stations has nothing to do with politics. That may not seem like a problem, although if most Americans wont know much about the candidates of the 2004 election if nothing on the news is about politics or government. This is becoming such a large problem that  there are only a few Television stations where you can actually get some news about the government and politics. The largest reason as to why politics are not reported on as much is because it is an audience loser. Covering politics and government will make your ratings plummet greatly.  That would mean that people don’t care at all about politics and government, they think that it is boring. Although in a nationwide poll, people seemed to be interested in some different areas of politics more than other areas. For example only 29% were interested in politics in general. Although 59% were very interested in what the government could do to increase performance of local schools. It turns out that people are actually interested in some certain sub categories in government and politics. This is why the local news stations should broadcast more things related to politics and government.
I agree a hundred percent with Mr. Rosentiel and Mr. Iverson. They make their point very clear when they describe that people are actually interested in government. I believe that local news stations should not cover all of the political issues, because they are some of the most important news there is. It isn’t right for the news to cover things like parenting tips, and pet care help, and how not to get ripped off instead of covering political issues. They shouldn’t even think about losing ratings or viewers because politics are boring, because of the Pew Research Centers poll that proved politics not to be boring. Local television stations should stop thinking about their ratings, and think about what is more important.

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