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Piracy may keep the beat from going on.



  In her September 25th LA Times op-ed essay, “Piracy May Keep the Beat From Going On,” Diane Warren argues that illegal downloading, and CD burning is ruining the record company business. Diane Warren had a dream to become a songwriter. Luckily enough that’s what she became. Ever since she has started song writing, Diane Warren has worked very hard. She struggled for 10 years before she actually began to make a reasonable profit. She does not only write songs for the money involved, although she has to be paid something for her hard efforts. How can she be paid if people are downloading her songs illegally instead of paying money for her songs? That is the point, she can not make a decent profit with pirates. Record companies pay hundreds of thousands for making and advertising for the songwriters. They want to earn back all of the money that they spend on advertising and making the music, and also making a profit for themselves. If the music fans are downloading bootleg music (stealing), then the record companies make little or no profit. Not everyone in the music business is rich. In fact most good songwriters, and music bands only get one commercial hit in their entire life. There are many people who help in the process of making the songs that people enjoy. Illegally downloading songs not only destroys the music business, but also all of the people who work for it.
  Overall, I agree with what Diane Warren argues. Never is it good for an economy to have people unemployed, which is what would happen if the record companies would become bankrupt. You might think it is great that you can get the music you like for free, but what will the consequences be. I do not mean if you are caught for doing the crime, but instead I mean that you are making the music company go out of business. Diane Warren brings up an excellent point, “If people are not willing to pay for the music they love, why should anyone be willing to spend the money it takes to make the music?” I believe that the government should intervene and stop the people who are downloading illegal songs. The people who write and perform songs work amazingly hard, and their efforts will go without reward if they get nothing because of people of illegal downloading.

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