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Chapter 7 Review



Mauryn Empire: The empire which was started by ChandraGupta Maurya, when he killed the Nanda king, and claimed the throne for himself.


Tamil: The language of the people who lived in southern tip of India


Matriarchal: When the mother, instead of the father was the head of the family. This occurred in southern India.


ChandraGupta: The man who began the Mauryn Empire. He gained control over all of Northern India.


Arthasastra: The book written by the adviser of ChandraGupta named Kautilya. This book focused on how to hold a vast empire together. It is known for its tough minded policies.


“peace to all beings”: A quote which Asoka said. He said this when he decided to rule by Buddha’s teachings of nonviolence.


Edicts: Stone pillars which said the laws of India, and the daily news.


Political instability: When there is no answer to who the next succession will be passed down to. There are usually riots, and chaos.


“Great King of Kings”: The title that Chandra Gupta 1 took for himself. He became the king by marrying the daughter of a very powerful and rich family.


Chandra Gupta 2: The grandson of Chandra Gupta 1. Considered to be the prince of princes. He defeated and enemy kingdom to the west.


Monotheistic: The belief of only one god.


Mahayana: The people categorized as accepting the new doctrines of Buddhism.


The Significance of Hindu Priests: Hindu Priests played an important role in the shaping of Buddhism, mainly because in Hinduism, only the priest are allowed to do the sacrificial services. People who weren’t priests begun to have a less and less direct connection with the religion.


Vishnu: part of the Hindu one divine force. Vishnu is the preserver of the world.


Shakuntala: The play written by Kalidasa, which is about a girl who falls in love with a king, they are separated and suffer from a curse, which prevents them from seeing each other ever again.


Math: Modern numerals, the decimal system, and zero, also pi was calculated to four decimal places.


Silk Roads: The roads which trade was done on.


Liu Bang: He was one of Xiang Yu’s generals, but backstabbed him instead and declared himself the first emperor of the Han dynasty.


Martial Emperor: when Liu Bang’s great-grandson Wudi took the throne, he expanded the Chinese empire through war.


Wudi and Modern China: By the end of Wudi’s reign, his empire had expanded to the bounds of what modern day China is.


Monthly Labor/Military: Once a year for an entire month a Chinese citizen owed their services to build walls, buildings…, also once a year, a Chinese citizen owed military service to the government.


Confucianism: the teachings of Confucius. He taught that gentlemen should practice reverence, generosity, truthfulness, diligence, and kindness.


Assimilation: The process of making people part of the culture.


Chinese land division: A families land was divided among the male sons. Although usually the poor did not buy much more land, so the poor grew poorer. The poor usually had to borrow money from the rich.


Great food: there was a big flood where millions of people were left stranded, this marked the end of the  former Han.



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